Upcoming events.
SAL Fundraiser Mixer
We will have a German style Lager beer and a German style Alt beer (German Ale) , both on tap that were brewed on site. The Alt beer was Kegged last week so it’s ultra fresh. There will also be several premium Whiskeys and Bourbons for your enjoyment. We will have plenty of food such as Bratwurst, Italian sausage and my soon to be famous smoked ribs.
There is also a regulation size pool table and a Foosball table for play time. We are also planning on having live music preformed by many members of the Northbrook School of music and beer, and other artists. If the weather is decent, the outside beer garden will be open.
Please RSVP to hested@sbcglobal.net
Chicago Wolves Military Appreciation Night
The Chicago Wolves would like to invite the American Legion Department of Illinois to the Allstate Arena. The goal of this event is to grow member engagement, donate to local American Legion posts and pay tribute to all who served.
Veteran's Day
We are honored to have CMDCM Jon Crisafulli as our guest speaker for our Veteran’s remembrance. Command Master Chief Jon Crisafulli is currently serving as the Sr NCO of Navel Station Great Lakes. He entered the Navy in April of 1994 and has been stationed all over the world. His distinguished career and how it has developed his view of Veteran’s day will be the topic of his discussion with us.
Glenbrook North Military Appreciation Night
Please join us before the Varsity Game for Military Appreciation night!
1st District American Legion 40th Annual POW/MIA Silent March
You are cordially invited to the 1st District American Legion 40th Annual POW/MIA Silent March hosted by the American Legion Twin Lakes Post 544. This is a day for Americans to reflect and remember all U.S. military personnel who remain unaccounted for while serving theri country during wartime.
Please consider bringing your Color Guard, American Flag, POW/MIA and Post Flag.
We are honored to have Vice Admiral Dirk Debbink, USN Retired, as our Guest Speaker at the ceremony this year.
For more information please call the Twin Lakes Post 544 262-877-3669 or Post Commander Jim Schmidt directly 262-492-3073.

Road Home Papermaking Workshop
For More information contact
Armando Vega Jr
MHC Peer Support Apprentice
Edward J. Hines VA Hospital
Building 13 Room 208
5000 South Fifth Avenue
Hines, Illinois 60141
Work cell 708-979-0401
Northbrook School of Music & Beer
Please join us behind the Post for a wonderful evening of music and singing.

National Viet Nam War Veteran's Day
American Legion Post 791, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10236, Son of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary.
Welcomes all Veterans, Family and Friends to an Open House on March 29th from noon to 6 pm at the Veteran’s Center.

Sons of the American Legion 1st Division White Sox Game
For more information contact Sergio Senese at (773) 909-3072 or sergiosenese@hotmail.com
15th Annual Veterans Weekend (July 29, 30 & 31, 2022, Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
15th Annual Veterans Weekend (July 29, 30 & 31, 2022, Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
(Honoring all Veterans, First Responders and Healthcare Workers)
(Spend the weekend with us, DeKalb Motel room rate of $69.95 plus tax per night, 815-901-3834)
AMVETS = DeKalb American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 90, 421 Oak St., DeKalb, IL 60115, 815-901-3834
Sycamore ALR = Sycamore American Legion Riders Post 99, sycamore.alr99@yahoo.com, 815-739-9760
GVH = Genoa Veterans Home, 311 S. Washington St., Genoa, IL 60135, 815-901-3834
Sportsman = DeKalb County Sportsman’s Show, Mick Stout, kcss@mickstount.com, 815-217-2266
Car Show = www.turningbacktimecarshow.org

123rd VFW National Convention
Every year, thousands of VFW and Auxiliary delegates gather to represent the organization’s total membership of more than 1.5 million at the weeklong VFW National Convention. While there, our mission is to approve new national priorities to guide our organization as we lobby Congress on issues important to the nation’s veterans, service members and their families.

Illinois American Legion State Legacy Run in The 2nd Division
Rider Leadership,
Please see below for the In-State Legacy Run.
This email is just to Save the date, more information to follow (flier). This run will not have a route but rather an end point with registration, donations, and fifty/fifty raffle.
There will be a wreath laying by the State Commander Wayne Fischer at a chosen Veteran Memorial and finish at a nearby Legion Post. Since there is no route, each ALR Chapter will plan their own route to the registration point. This format is being used do to the short amount of time to plan this run. All funds on this run will be used to support the Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund and the State Commanders project, the Legion Relief Fund. More information to follow when all details have been finalized.
Don Chasteen,
Past Commander, Naperville American Legion Post 43
Past Director, Naperville American Legion Riders, Chapter 43
Ride Safe!
Joe Lampert
ALR Advisory Committee
Department of Illinois
Northbrook Veteran’s Center Executive Meeting
All eligible members and prospective members of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion Auxilliary, Sons of the American Legion and Legion Riders are welcome at any of our meetings.
On the evening of the first Tuesday of each month there is held an Executive Meeting where the Executive Board and representatives of the respective organizations update the Commander and his team with their past and future activities.