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American Legion Auxiliary ILLINI GIRLS STATE

  • Eastern Illinois University 600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL, 61920 United States (map)

American Legion Auxiliary Illini Girls State is a simulation patterned after the State of Illinois; it follows Illinois governmental procedure as closely as possible. It is a practical application of Americanism and good citizenship which attempts to teach and inculcate in our youth a love of America and a sense of individual obligation to community, state, and nation. It is a powerful, intense learning experience.

Hundreds of girls from various communities throughout the State of Illinois will attend ALAIGS in June. They will learn the way a two-party system works. At ALAIGS we have two fictitious political parties, the Nationalists and the Federalists. They will caucus, have Primary and General elections, and participate in a party Convention. They will elect city, county, and state officials. They will learn the duties of various public offices – their functions, limitations, and powers. They will have their own legislature where they introduce, debate and pass their own bills. They regulate their own cities, enforce their laws, and prepare county projects.

Each girl has a chance to learn for herself that her government is just what she makes it. She learns the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities as a citizen of ALAIGS that will help her fully participate as an American citizen. As a program of an organization standing for God and Country, we may share nonsectarian prayers and religious observations. If religious accommodations are required please inform Department Headquarters in advance; we will review these requests and determine if they can be met within the structure of our program.

June 14

US Army Birthday - 247th

June 23

U.S. Coast Guard Auxilliary Birthday